

This life-saving training is promoted throughout the year by the Stop the Bleed Texas Coalition and numerous partners and stakeholders.  We join forces with Stop the Bleed champions everywhere to reach as many people as possible with messaging that encourages people to get trained. 

Be on the lookout for training opportunities in your community across Texas.

Featured Training


If you haven’t already heard about training in your area, be sure to reach out to your local Regional Advisory Council to get in touch with the right people to get trained.

Training is fast, easy, and could save your life or someone you love.

If you’re an instructor and looking for training opportunities, consider starting with your own organization.

  • Schedule a lunch & learn
  • Talk to your safety, injury prevention, or outreach coordinator
  • Enlist other potential instructors within your organization to amplify your impact
  • Have your organization like and share Coalition content on social media

Interested in becoming a Texas Stop the Bleed Trainer?  Contact us for more information on our upcoming courses.

Social Media Toolkit

Interested in co-branding content? Please reach out.

Consider using text that is short and to the point. Stop the Bleed can save a life when used properly in response to a life-threatening bleeding event.

Sample text:

1. Anyone can take Stop the Bleed training. No experience necessary!
#stbtxcoalition #stopthebleed #savealife 
2. Tourniquets can be applied to an arm or a leg. Find out how to safely use a tourniquet with Stop the Bleed training!
#stbtxcoalition #stopthebleed #savealife 

3. Do you know the ABCs of bleeding control? Learn  more by scheduling a course today!

Alert: Call 9-1-1

Bleeding: Identify the source of life-threatening bleeding.

Compression: Apply pressure. 

#stbtxcoalition #stopthebleed #savealife 


If you would like to learn more about how you may provide this valuable, life-saving information to your community, please contact us using this form.

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