Data Workgroup


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Workgroup Mission Statement

Support the Coalition in efforts relating to relevant data operations and provide collaborative, expert advice with data harvesting, analysis, and dissemination.


  • Investigate current format/structure of Texas reporting entities
  • Develop tourniquet submission platform
  • Collaborate with DSHS, State Epidemiology, and appropriate personnel
  • Produce guidelines for a uniform submission process
  • Develop an applicable data dictionary
  • Chronical workgroup journey for potential publication

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tourniquet Project 

Procedure Codes

As a result of ongoing efforts to observe tourniquet use in Texas, it was determined there needed to be a uniform manner of observing tourniquet application. There are 16 ICD-10 PCS Codes that were identified. ICD-10 Procedure Coding System is a method that is used across the globe as a universal convention of identifying procedures. The image seen here contains each of those codes along with their description. You can see from the descriptions that each code is very precise!

Because coding is already performed at all hospitals, this should be easy to implement to really get a good look at tourniquet application without having to additional work.

This project continues to be a work in progress. Results and progress will be published here as it becomes available.

The Data Workgroup invites anyone with an interest to advance our mission to attend our next meeting. Please contact the workgroup chair for an invitation.

Please Contact Us for all other questions regarding the work of the Stop the Bleed Texas Coalition. 

Next Meeting:

1st Friday, Monthly at 09:30

Workgroup Chair:
Mr. Brett Dodwell, BSN, RN, CEN, CSTR, CAISS


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